Photo credit - T. Casey
The "recipe" is not really a recipe, just a method, but I had to share it with you guys. I'm going to offer to bring cooler corn to the next BBQ we're invited to, just to try it out for myself.
Cooler Corn on the Cob
1 cooler (small or large depending on how much corn you're making)
Corn on the cob
Wash the cooler well. Shuck the corn, removing all the outer levels and silk. Place the shucked corn in the cooler.
Bring a large pot of water to a boil. Pour over the corn. You want to submerge the corn. Close the lid of the cooler and let it sit for at least 30 minutes.
The corn can sit in the cooler for a couple hours. When you're ready to eat, just drain off the water and enjoy.